Write For Us
The Essential Rules To Contribute To The Trend Share Blog
We are delighted to have you as a guest blogger on our blog. Before you start researching and writing content, make sure you are familiar with our principles.
- We don’t republish any of the articles previously published. Content must be original.
- A well-written article should be clear and concise, both stylistically and grammatically.
- Your post should be relevant. It should include one or more of the following topics: remote work, project management, team collaboration, and productivity.
- Success stories, case studies, and data-supported content are all welcome and may earn bonus points.
- We don’t accept articles that do not cover the obvious truths or answer rhetorical questions such as e.g. “Why can computers process information faster than humans” and “Do marketing businesses need a website?”
- Contributing to the trends blog will give you an opportunity to help thousands upon thousands of professionals with their business problems.
- Keep it positive, avoid negative comments about competitors and offensive topics, and be polite and not pushy.
Guidelines To Submit Guest Post
These requirements ensure consistency on our blog and save time for writers:
- A 1000-word article is a good length.
- The title should not exceed 55 characters
- The content should be broken down into paragraphs, followed by subheadings. Avoid using passive voice and don’t over-lengthen sentences.
- Not for SEO, but for the users. Do not use keywords, but instead focus on useful tips and information that blog readers can benefit from.
- You should not exceed the 5-maximum number of outbound links you can use in your text. We can provide 1 follow or 1 no follow backlink if you wish to link to your partner’s site. One of the links must contain the appropriate keyword for the URL. We reserve the right to remove any links that are not related to the text or do not provide value to our readers.
Write For Us on the topic mentioned below
- Write for us
- Write for us travel
- Write for us travel guest post
- Health writes for us
- Submit guest post travel
- Travel blogs write for us
- Travel blog write for us
- Travel guest post write for us
- Health write for us guest post
- News guest post
- Technology guest post
- “Write for us” + travel paid
- Write for us travel blogs
- Write for us travel blog
- Travel tips write for us
- write for us blogging
- write for us guest post
- guest post write for us
- write for us + guest post
- guest blog write for us
- “write for us”
- write for us
- blogging write for us
- blogging + write for us
- blogs write for us
- write guest post
- guest post write for us
- write for us travel website
Where can I send a well-prepared piece?
- Send content to trendsshareblog@gmail.com with attachments in Google Docs.
- Include a brief bio and profile photo with your submission. It would be a great asset to include links to your social networks and websites.
- Attach all graphics (800×600) px to your submission in.jpg Please provide the source of all graphics and images.